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About Essential Oils

Essential oils have enhanced lives for thousands of years, offering a variety of benefits from cosmetic and dietary purposes to spiritual and religious use. Young Living has always been at the forefront of bringing this ancient tradition to modern users, introducing millions to emotional, physical, and spiritual wellness that can be truly life-changing.


Extracted through careful steam distillation, resin tapping, and cold pressing, the purest essential oils are far more powerful than the botanicals from which they come. Any time you hold a bottle of Young Living’s powerful essential oils, you hold nature's pure essence.



• They are the most powerful part of the plant.

• They are distilled from shrubs, flowers, trees, roots, bushes, fruit, rinds, resins, and herbs.

• Oils consist of over 100 different natural, organic compounds.


In humans, many provide support for every system in the body: your skeletal system, muscular system, circulatory system, endocrine system and your hormones, respiratory system, and immune system. They support brain health and a healthy weight. They are used extensively for spiritual support in your prayer life. They have been used for thousands of years as beauty aids and for emotional support. An oil in a diffuser can soothe a child’s tough day at school and provide a calming effect when you’ve had a stressful day at work. Oils can be used as an alternative to cleaning chemicals in the home. You can literally start swapping out every single chemical in your home to live a purer lifestyle, and you can do it without breaking the bank!


There are about 300 oils on the earth, but you only need ten to twenty of them to build a good kit.

You do not need to be an aromatherapist to use them. In most cases, just rub it topically into the skin. There are three main ways to get oils into your system: the English apply it topically—rub it on the skin; the French ingest and cook with it; the Germans diffuse and inhale, which is the most effective method because it doesn’t have to pass through the digestive system.


How do they enter—and how long do they last?


Tests have shown oils reach the heart, liver, and thyroid in three seconds when inhaled; they were found in the bloodstream in 26 seconds when applied topically. Expulsion of essential oils takes three to six hours in a normal, healthy body.




You can access the power of essential oils many ways, but the most common practices include aromatic diffusion, topical application, and dietary consumption. These methods bring the pure essence of health-promoting botanicals to your home, family, and life.



Love the way the fragrance from a fresh orange peel brightens your day? Each essential oil’s complex, pleasant, and unique scent triggers emotions and memories, which can help in your search for a more fulfilling and balanced life. To help you rediscover peace, balance, and joy, use these essential oils and blends for diffusion, soothing baths, massage, inhalation, or topical application.



They were first mentioned by name in the biblical book of Genesis, chapter 37, when Joseph was sold to the slave traders. They carried spicery, balm, and Myrrh! Genesis ends with the burial of Joseph’s father, anointed with Myrrh. There are over 1,100 direct and indirect mentions of essential oils in Scripture.


Some of the oldest cultures on earth used essential oils. The Babylonians placed orders for Cedarwood, Myrrh, and Cyprus. The Egyptians used essential oils for beauty and embalming and they have the oldest recorded deodorant recipe made with essential oils. Pakistan and Rome used essential oils in the communal bath houses.


They were even used by Christ! Jesus was given gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh. Frankincense is sometimes referred to as “the coconut oil of essential oils,” because it has over 10,000 uses.


Essential oils were used by the Medieval Europeans, many of whom brought oils back during the Crusades.


It was only after World War 2 when essential oils were “rediscovered,” and the science on their uses grows with every single year.



I have used oils for several years. Lavender smelled nice in my bath, but never had any significant effect on my body. I bought my lavender for $4 a bottle online, at farmers markets, or at bulk foods stores. In the United States, there is no rating system for essential oils. It would be wonderful if there were—because then you’d know what you were buying! If you walk into a grocery store and look at a box of cereal, you’ll see nutrition facts on the side. There are no “nutrition facts” on the side of oils. That means you have to trust the source. You have to know the company you are purchasing from. What sets Young Living aside? Seed to Seal. It’s our promise of purity. You can learn more about Seed to Seal at All of our oil is shipped from around the world to Spanish Fork, Utah, where it’s run though vigorous 8-point testing to insure purity. Those tests are run in triplicate; at the farm, at Spanish Fork, and a third time before bottling. It’s why Young Living has never had a recalled essential oil in 23 years of business. You can trust the integrity. Seed to Seal is based on three pillars: sourcing, science, and standards. Young Living’s oils are tested by scientists with over 180 years of combined lab experience. They also do third party testing with two accredited, respected, independent labs.


Young Living is a global leader in essential oils, with over 1.5 billion dollars in sales annually. Those that use the oils keep coming back! There are 3-thousand global employees, 600 life-changing products, 16 corporate and partner farms, more than 20 international markets, 50 highly trained scientists, 12 independent partner labs, and four million global members. What does that mean? The testing is thorough and exact. It’s why I don’t buy from a mom and pop oils shop—they don’t have the team to do the testing that’s needed to stay on top of hundreds of oils and blends.


Why can’t you just buy oils at the grocery store? Purity. You get what you pay for. I have seen bottles of Frankincense for $7 at the grocery store—but it costs more than that just to distill! It’s a red flag that the oil has been adulterated.


All oils in the world fall into one of four categories: Authentic, Manipulated, Perfume, or Synthetic.


Authentic means the oils are 100 percent pure, with no added synthetics or other species in the bottle. These are Young Living oils!

Manipulated means the final product has been made to smell more pleasing and less earthy. Some of the heavier molecules have been stripped out, or another species introduced, to enhance the aroma.

Perfume oils are not pure. They are mixed with synthetics to enhance the aroma. These oils have no therapeutic action. Frequently, solvents are used to extract the plant.

Synthetic oils are not true oils at all. They smell nothing like the original plant, and are typically labeled as “scented products.” These are synthetic. 


Authentic is the only true pure oil. Synthetic oils would be like opening your fridge, taking a glass of orange juice, and diluting it 95% before you drank it! (And diluting it with chemicals!) It wouldn’t have the same benefits of a full glass of only orange juice. That’s why you want authentic oils. Before you purchase, check to see if the company grows their own plants, has Seed to Seal, and controls the entire process—from the farm to the sealed bottle. Pesticides, pollution, previously farmed land; all of it can affect the quality of an oil. Why would you go the extra step of using an oil to get away from a chemical—only to use an oil laden with chemicals? It makes no sense.


Young Living’s Seed to Seal process is a promise of integrity. There are no pesticides used, no artificial fertilizers, and no weed killers. The plants are harvested at their peak. They’re then put through a vigorous testing process. Then they go from the farm directly to your home. Seed to Seal is not a slogan, it’s a promise.

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